Fab - free for the month

Does anyone know what happened to the marketplace that gave away some paid assets for free each month and now with the merger of the marketplace and SketchFab called Fab, that “free for the month” no longer appears?

What about “Featured Free Content”. Maybe that will cycle through assets / packs / plugins in place of the “Free for the month”?


Previously, we had paid projects that were offered for free for a month. Now, there is simply a free zone accessible to all users, which, if I recall correctly, already existed before.
In other words, there used to be free elements and paid elements that were given away temporarily. Now, there is only the free zone that has always existed.

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It might be a transitioning phase. They still have their hands full with fixing peoples product ownership from the marketplace to fab. Once they iron that out they might port over the free of the month.

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On the homepage, the description of the ‘FEATURED CONTENT - Free Content’ section says “Grab the latest October free content while you can”

These assets that 3dRaven linked are the same ‘Free for the Month’ that were on the UE Marketplace for October.

I don’t think there has ever been free elements that were only temporary. (Just Paid assets that were free for X month)

But what I think is missing is the ‘Permanently Free Collection’ - Basically that was assets that Epic paid the creators to make permanently free (as opposed to paying the creators to make their assets free for only 1 month)

This search query is the closest thing I can come up with that matches the previous ‘Permanently Free Collection’ tab:



As @Astrotronic mentioned, yes this “Featured Free Content” page, or since it has changed recently to “Free This Month” page, is the equivalent to the Unreal Marketplace’s former monthly free assets. This is only the first month, but we should see a rotation this coming Tuesday 11/5/24, assuming they keep the same schedule.

Stop crying bros, the section has made his return


I had same question and here is the direct link for the free for the months for developpers:
Free Assets on Fab | Unreal Engine, Megascans, Sponsored Content

but we are in november, these are october free content :confused:

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Hi Bobbu,

Historically, the content changes on the first Tuesday of the month. (Unsure if it will be the same now that it’s on Fab though)

They removed the featured Free for the Month section, but they didn’t replace it with new assets, hopefully, they will get to it soon.

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In the application for submitting your plugin (Free for month), the filling form has changed (new sections have been added).

So I think they are working on it, but they will probably skip the new release this month.


Section is gone. I’d wish for a “free for the month” filter, like the MarketPlace had. Right now you can only check price-> free. but that shows ALL free items, even those that are forever free. On first tuesday each month I want to see the monthly free assets to add them to my library.

Right now you can only visit this page:
and I think it’s enough to click the tiles, sometimes you need to press F5 after a few seconds.

For some reason, “this month’s sponsored content” on https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/fabfreecontent is not actually free at the moment (e.g. https://www.fab.com/listings/9211e1d8-16e7-4429-a1b3-e4ceb02018ab will show normal price to buy), but the Limited-Time Free section on the home page (currently links to “Limited-Time Free (Until 11/19 10AM ET)” https://www.fab.com/blade/0691ff19-b259-44e0-ad3b-093a53010f46?context=homepage) is free indeed.

Otherwise system is similar but number of assets, period and interface changed (as with many other things on the new Fab website):

  • there are now 3 assets instead of 5
  • … but the period now ends on day 19 instead of end of month, so we can expect the free period to be around 3 weeks, so in the end it may balance the total amount of content over a year
  • there is no quick Add to cart button, you have to open the asset and click Add to cart on that page, and also confirm you accept the End User License Agreement directly on the popup
  • … but free assets are immediately added to library instead of cart, which avoids the extra step of “buying” free assets and receiving a receipt with 0 EUR/USD etc. written on it.

All in all it doesn’t look that bad. But they should really update their “THIS MONTH’S SPONSORED CONTENT” (incidentally I unfortunately missed october’s content because when I tried to buy it, the store rejected my cart… I suspect it was because they were in the middle of migrating the store… but then they should have extended it for these 3 weeks of november!)


Hello with fab the free for the month have changed, now it’s every 2 weeks that epics will offer free assets.


It looks like it’s now listed under ‘(Limited-Time Free Until X/X)’


Blurry communication :upside_down_face:
A real nightmare this FAB.
I’ll work without this and i’ll be back when FAB will be ready.
Like this its unusuble.

Anybody know something?

Hi Javi -

It’s now:

Limited-Time Free

That will cycle every 2 weeks.

If anyone has a good way of getting reminded of when the products cycle please post it. The best solution I can think of now is to create a recurring calendar event.

I suggest that someone/anyone posts here when he see new content arrived on the Limited Time Free, if we subscribe to this thread, this would act like a reminder