FAB assets modification ?

Hello !

1 st Question: I would like to know if I buy an assets pack on FAB with the Personal License not the Referenced only it will be possible to modify assets, materials in UEFN and have the possibility to publish my project publicly ?

Capture d’écran (19)

2nd Question: I’d like to know if I buy an asset pack created by a studio that offers packs on FAB but this time offers a pack on the Unreal Engine Marketplace, will I be able to import the assets, modify them and publish my project publicly ?

Thanks !


@Bono_27 ,

the Modular Sci Fi Base Kit - Arctic is not on FAB because this asset requires
to “Enable Virtual texture support” which cannot be enabled in UEFN Fortnite means you cannot migrate or import into Fortnite because the assets will fail validation

Error. I have a map with ARCTIC map in UEFN Fornite code map :wink:
Resolve errores in UEFN and go! :smiley: