Carrier based version of F35 to go with my aircraft carrier
Model made from scratch with animation, AMRAMS, GBU-12, and MK84, detailed cockpit, animations etc.
This will be a useable vehicle inside UE5 just like all of my other projects, the goal is to make it behave similar to BF4 jets until i publish finished version please feel free to browse my work on FAB
Any support is appreciated i know time is tough for everyone
I don’t have ETA for the project im working on and off on project, because i tried to make UE full time job and i failed so this month is survival and random jobs.
The 3D model will be available on turbosquid to be used outside of UE5 but i advise to wait for UE5.
I tried to upload .mview preview but i do not think it’s currently possible on forums. Turntable video on YouTube
Hope you’re well and having a wonderful week so far
Just wanted to quickly pop in and say this looks awesome. There’s something so powerful and utterly patriotic about this specific jet. It’s always been such a symbol of
Really rad work. Do you currently have plans to create other jets any time soon?
Yeah i have in plan to do some more jets i would love to but it all depends if i get some sales on FAB im creating blueprint right now tweaking the physics will be a nigtmare.
Im trying to nail up the physics and i was fiddling with numbers between 0.1 - 10 for weeks everyday i test and tweak blueprint for hours tweak it go to sleep thinking that is that it’s done and in morning i wake up continue work and just say this is crap and start over again.
I spent more time with blueprints than modeling and texturing the jet.
The goal is to get to BF4 jet physics as best as i can…
So here im posting demo file on demo map so over the weekend if anyone have time do try it…
And hopefully in the Monday some nice well rested reviewer will get my project and not give me heart attack by rejecting it.
This project might be sadly one of my last big project for FAB so i want it to be polished best as i can, I’m no expert with blueprints but give my best always.
Thank you very much !
Im no level designer or lightning artist or any artist at all but i give my best…
I had Aircraft carrier from my previous project so i just added F35c with Deck tow tractor and Blackhawk.
So it didn’t take to long to put all together, maybe a day of work.
But on other hand Aircraft carrier that project took long time to finish.
When I see this type of stuff it always reminds me of when I was a kid putting together to-scale plastic models and painting them with an airbrush, has good scale.
Apparently i can’t publish the project because i used Chaos Vehicle plugin, only plugin that is available for the vehicles for the UE 5 months of work for nothing.
Chaos Vehicle plugin in UE4 vas in beta stages but in UE5 its experimental, i didn’t even noticed that
and because its experimental the project is rejected.
Can’t believe this… literally hundreds of hours for nothing
And what is even mind boggling the chaos vehicle in 5.0 version of the engine is considered in beta stages but in 5.2 that i used as my base version is in experimental stage
I say release the UE5 version with chaos and figure out what to do with ue4 later it works fine
at least cut your loses to that also noted vigilante uses projectile code and adds it’s own flight code others used PhysX for just the wheel part and added their own flight systems too maybe study those for later maybe mix of your helicopter code done jet style with PhysX wheels code could do the trick.
Hey Jed appreciate comment !
The project is only for UE 5.2+, i have rule to support 4 version of engine on new project and all future engines.
Can’t publish anything that is using chaos vehicle plugin in UE5, ever that is latest what i got from support.
So need to find project new home, for 9 years im doing this on marketplace and now FAB and this is so screwed beyond imagination !
Probably will publish gutted static version just for level decoration…
I see you have had issues getting this published but I wanted to encourage you as a working pro in aviation and defense by telling you that your work is amazing and you deserve all the success with it. Hopefully there is a way to being able to offer the project/model for sale that earns you a fair return for all your hard work.
Much appreciated, thank you very much !
Final word is that currently project is not publishable currently as long the chaos vehicle plugin is in experimental stage.
So that goes for all future projects, using chaos vehicle plugin and publishing is not possible for anyone.
I need to find it new home for playable version but i don’t know where my all projects are on FAB it’s almost sacrilege for me to publish project anywhere else.
For FAB i will probably submit static non playable version, but even that i need to force myself to gut the project.
Today early in the morning, while drinking my coffee, I received great news that the ChaosVehicle plugin is now allowed to be used in new projects. Best start of the day in a while
I can’t express my gratitude enough for the person who contacted me and shared this news with me.
I’m not sure if my reviewer will see this post, but I appreciate your fantastic support.
FAB support is always helpful and understanding.
That’s great to hear, just proves, always keep that optimism and if you got a road block, work on something else that makes you happy until things change.