Hello! I am learning about Geometries and trying to extrude a hollow cube. It looks fine on the outside, but inside, the old faces extruded from are like walls separating the original space from the extruded space, and the extruded space is invisible from the inside. Fine, I delete the old face-walls and start creating faces inside the extruded area, but they appear to be detached from the original area. The interior shot shows a gap between the original left and the extruded right.
The reason it appeared invisible from the inside is due to the normals of the geometry. as for the first picture it looks like a gap between two separate pieces of geometry.
Think I figured it out! Part of setting a BSP to Hollow is that you can also set Wall Thickness. On a whim, I tried setting that to 0, and no gap. This shows that the gap was really the “wall”. I’d still like to know why extruding a hollow puts walls between the segments though. I would delete the question because it seems dumb to me in retrospect, but I’m sure other newbies like me out there could use this.