Extreme Lag with Point Lights?

I will give that a try.

I tried it but didn’t get very good results.

Play with the cone angles and such. You pretty much only want the spotlight for shadows and the pointlight for fill.

Thank You for all of your help but I have finally sorted it out by replacing all point lights with spot lights and filling with another spotlight facing upwards.
I still get a tiny bit of lag but I am still happy with it.
This matter has been finally resolved.

I can’t get over how pretentious and mean this guy sounds, and he’s a moderator? Yeesh, no wonder the community is so toxic and people are afraid to ask questions
How about something more like;
“Are you double checking to make sure your point lights are set to Static? Movable, and even Stationary lights are very inefficient, and should be used sparingly. If you’re just setting up a scene, make sure all Point Lights are set to Static, as they will be far less expensive in lighting builds.”

that so hard, friend?

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I wouldn’t go as far as saying it is “Toxic” it just tells the truth, I would say it fell short on details but maybe he just didn’t have time to write and explain or didn’t care to. Bottom line is its all there in the doc when it comes to very basic questions like these, with all do respect if the OP doesn’t know why the project is slowing down when multiple dynamic lights are enabled in the scene then that needs some serious remedy and thats fine just not reason to be upset about, its not like its a complex question about BP’s or a bug or shortcomings in an engine.

With that said yes the forums aren’t always very helpful and Epic most of the time doesn’t care to pitch in, they used to first year of UE release but now they just don’t care or have the time or both. I get ■■■■■■ off myself sometimes, after all some of my questions have gone entirely unanwaswered and they are pretty legit issues in the engine and no workarounds have been represented for years to this day.

So there you have it.

There was more issues than that and I’m not going to go through and explain everything about the lighting system when there’s documentation that already does that.

Moderators are not here to be helpful, unbiased, unemotional, friendly robots. Bumping a year old thread to complain about mods is perhaps more toxic.