Okay, i had an extremly frustrating fight with my Pivot, at least i was thinking it was a bug, it is not! My trust in ue4 is gaining again after Mikand79 told me about ‘‘Actor Snapping’’. See the video below what happened to me:
It seemed recording to MK79 that i had ‘‘Actor Snapping’’ on; by pressing (CTRL+SHIFT+K) you switch it off. For everyone who is not familiar with this option and having thesame pivot problems i had, this is your solution.
I have also had this problem before, I am unsure how to fix it but I believe it has something to do with resetting or changing the pivot point. I just can’t seem to find out how to do it. Hopefully we find an answer.
If it is that simple, resetting the pivot point, then i would be very happy! I really hope it is something simple as that.
I have all the snapping options of, even with on or off it shows this behaviour. the problem happens also with cube meshes i create in UE4 + meshes created in maya.
You are great, i never heard of ‘‘Actor snapping’’ before, it is also not in the editor under the snapp settings? but that worked, thanks! I will change my post regarding this Actor snapping, mayby more people don’t know about Actor snapping, still not understand it’s function though.
Its a checkbox under the Settings button, and its hidden somewhere in the Editor settings too.
Its function is obvously to make the thing you move to erratically search any surface under it/behind it/at the end of the map and make you think your computer is dieing help you place it properly.