I have a box collision on a characters back that multiplies damage that hits it by 5. However I’ve noticed that it seems to multiply it really inconsistently, the two weapons I have implemented (basically identical save for rate of fire, damage, and projectile lifespan) also deal this damage inconsistently between them.
The weaker, faster weapon almost never deals the multiplied damage, though sometimes it will. The second weapon (standing in for melee) will almost always deal the multiplied damage on the second hit, but has never once dealt that damage on the first hit.
How are you supposed to implement locational damage, because the method I’m using is clearly not stable enough to cut it?
Could you please show how you’ve set up the blueprint to detect the locational damage?
In fact, it started doing it again, here’s the damage blueprint, the collision is inconsistent, the head and back collision areas are tagged with Critical, but only the head triggers with any consistency.
I think I see your problem – you’ve got the “My Comp” from the hit event being analysed by the “Any Damage” event.
You generally don’t want to be checking variables that are from other events like this. I’m a little surprised that the value is even checkable the way you’e doing it, but assuming it does work, you’re putting a really flakey expectation on the sequence of execution. Your code assumes that when “Any Damage” is called that the last hit event was for the critical zone. What if the bullets hit both a critical area and also a non-critical area before damage is applied using Any Damage?
Perhaps what you could do is have the Event Hit increase a “critical hit counter” variable, and when damage is applied using Any Damage you check if that counter is > 0 – if so, apply extra damage and then decrement it.