Extra click on window after bShowMouseCursor


I’m working on Unreal C++ Project, and I have a major issue. Since i need mouse cursor to show at the beginning, bShowMouseCursor is equal to true in mycontroller.cpp. A pawn I made is controlled by Mouse X and Mouse Y, and after showing mouse at the beginning, and selecting pawn (possessing), mouse is out of viewport and extra click is needed on viewport so that mouse can move my pawn (not restricted)

How can I fix this?

Honestly this is one of the longest running issues in UE4 history. I don’t know of any solutions really. People often recommend various nodes or calls but i have not seen any of them work.

Here is the best thread i know of:

Essentially the work around is setting your input to Game only i think. This in no way worked for me in the past but may work now (you may need a delay evidently sometimes).

thanks for answer

Epic have been promising to fix that issue forever, and still no fix. If you are doing heavy mouse work in your game, I suggest you look for another engine. That’s what I am planning to do.