Extinction - Student project - NAD

Hello again everyone !

We’re really proud to present you a new school project : Extinction. Done in 7 weeks by 5 people, we needed to design and produce a chase between 2 characters and one of them had to be playable.

We chose a Cyberpunk-horror theme and we wanted to recreate a dark and oppressive environnement. We really hope you like it, feel free to comment !

Watch in HD !

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i think you did a good job for 7 weeks

Very cool ! I like the camera style

Thank you for comments ! I’m happy you like the camera system, I spent quite some time on it. :slight_smile:

Here are some screenshot from our environment :




Looks great for a 7 week project, good job. The animation need some work though :frowning: .

That was very impressive! I hope you and your team plan on expanding this project because I’d love to see more!