Externally Referenced Warnings

It seems like the “Externally Referenced Warning” has been along for quite some time. Recently they magically appeared in my project as well.

I’ve been digging through the Unreal forums and tried things like renaming the projects as described here.
Unfortunately none of that has fixed my issue. I’ve even reinstalled the engine - but the external references remained.

My colleges are not having this problem though. We’re syncing our work using git - I’ve even re-cloned our repository, but that hasn’t helped either.

Has anyone experienced similar issues. What can I do?

I’ve figured out that newly created maps work just fine. But I don’t want to recreate every single level. There has to be another way?

I’m using Unreal Version 4.9 on a Macbook Pro (13 inch, early 2015).



This warnings usually appear after convert the project. The trick with renaming works perfectly. But you need rename project folder, not project file. Rename the folder, and open the project. The warnings still exists. Do something in scene, for example, add mesh into scene and delete it. Press Ctrl+S or in menu File->Save All. Close the project. Rename the project folder to original name. Open the project. The warnings should be gone.


It worked! Thank you so much - you’re my hero :slight_smile:

I already tried renaming my project folder before asking this question. But I tried starting my XCode project then (as we’re using C++). That didn’t work out. Opening the uproject did the trick. How could I not think of that facepalm.

I’m still not really getting why renaming the folder helps… but the external references are gone, so I got that going for me :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks ! It worked!

Rename-trick don’t work but I have a better “trick” that works perfect:
Open the Engine.ini in your project folder “\Saved\Config\Windows\Engine.ini”
Then fix the content path to the right folder name. :slight_smile: