Hi, so I’ve been working off of an external hard drive, moving it from my desktop to my laptop, and up until now everything has worked just fine. However as soon as I move the Drive from one computer to another there are files that just don’t work anymore, even files that I made on the computer that they don’t work on anymore. Then as soon as I move the drive to the previous computer everything works fine again. So none of the files have been deleted, I just can’t access them on the other computer.
When I say it doesn’t work there are two primary things that happen.
When I open the project file I get the message “Failed to open map file. This is most likely because the map was saved on a newer version of the engine” (I checked and everything is up to date) When it loads, everything loads in as black, and the map file is gone
Whenever I right click on an asset that doesn’t work, I can tell because it shows the default picture of the asset, it says with a little popup in the bottom right-hand corner “Failed to load asset”
I would prefer my files to be on my desktop, but this is currently where it is having the most issues. Is there any way at the very least I could get everything to work on my desktop alone. (This is not ideal, but this is what I need the most for right now, as UE4 has a rather consistent problem of maxing out all of my GPU on my laptop and crashing)