External c++ library to be execute inside my unreal c++ classes

Hi All,

I am working on some project that require some external c++ library to be execute inside my unreal c++ classes.

Its very huge library So I need to import that existing one just like adding dependency or some other means.

Anybody have any experience to deal this situation. So please give your suggestion and workaround of this.

Any help would be appreciated!


There’s article describing how you can add third party libraries: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements and Releases - Unreal Engine Forums

Thanks @Druha ,

@Druha Do you have another link to this? The link you posted is now outdated :frowning:
Stupid Unreal

The link provides you with directions to the legacy section of the new Unreal Engine Community Wiki.
A quick search there provides the answer: Legacy/Linking Static Libraries Using The Build System.