I was playing with the idea to see if external baked light coud make udk look more ‘‘modern’’. Exported the citadel house with the texture and normal map and rendered everything to texture using hdr in simlab composer.
Here is a pick of the model with baked light, material and shadow in maya.(click to large)
And here is in udk.On the left is the baked light one and on the right is lightmass.The lightning is a little different as the hdr that was used to render in simlab is not the exact sky environment in the udk scene but it gives an idea.The shader on the baked model is in unlit mode.
And here we have the shader of the baked light model in phong mode so that we can get the realtime shadows on top of it.And im controlling the shadow intensity(simple multiply) in the shader so that its not so rough and closer to the baked one.You can see it under the awning on the front window.
I might add this to my workflow. Who said that backed light is only for mobile :rolleyes: