I’ve started a new project of an interior luxurious penthouse, where most rooms have floor to ceiling windows. The problem is that you’d expect to see a view of the outside! I was wondering how people tackle this issue to make it look realistic?
Obviously I know I could put in blind/curtains to hide the outdoors more, but a big part of what I’m going for is being able to see outside and see an amazing view (e.g. a city).
I’ve looked at other projects on youtube that seem to use image planes to do this, but I found they just didn’t look very realistic. I figured I would need to make some 3D assets, but I don’t want to kill the engine with loads of models in the background. Anyone with any experience on this, how much of the background would you make in 3d (plus how detailed?) and at what distance from the windows can you get away with image planes?
Any help would be appreciated
I’m also writing a research article on this issue for university, so the more I can learn the better! I’ve found various bits already about it, but to find out how it’s done by other professionals would be great!
You could just add some low poly 3d buildings in your background -> like in the shooter demo. Looks good + is not so bad for the performance
I personally would add 3d buildings when they are near your house and in the distance add some 2d buildings + an exponential heightfog
Exponential heightfog is great to make the difference between your 3d and the 2d background less obvious.
You use a gigantic 360 panorama image and map it to a huge sphere around your scene (with or without a mask to hide the sky part). With a high enough quality image and some fog it can look very good. The hard part is to find the right image on google! I’m pretty sure it’s what’s these guys have done here for their high rise urban background :
Yeah that makes sense! I think the part I’m finding tricky is knowing how far in the distance it needs to be before I switch to 2D images, though I suppose that comes down to experimenting! I’m assuming for the low poly buildings a simple diffuse texture would suffice?
Oh I’ve been looking for this video!! Really wanted to know how they did it Do you think they’ve done it with any 3d models aswell or just the panoramic?
Definitely looks like a method to try though. I reckon I’ll try various of these different methods and see what looks best! I think the key part for me is not needing to spend too much time on it, as it takes away time from the interior! Thanks for your help