Extenting Editor Menus / Creating Tabs from Plugins

I’ve spent a bit of time today digging around trying to either insert a Tab for a Plugin into the “Windows” menu of the main Unreal Editor window or to create a new dropdown menu within the main Unreal Editor window.

I’ve found it easy enough to register a Tab Spawner for a Tab but either I’m missing something or functionality for actually creating a Tab hasn’t been exposed for plugins yet, a strong reason for this believe is the following comment I found within the source code:

Source Version: Github 4.0.2-release

Line 162 - Engine/Source/Editor/MainFrame/Private/Menus/MainMenu.cpp
Note: Masked the name of the commenter

//@todo The tab system needs to be able to be extendable by plugins [9/3/2013 ------.-------]

As it’s not really a documented system yet (at least that I can see (maybe I’m missing something?) I’m just curious if it is incomplete or if there’s some trick to creating a Tab from a Plugin currently which I have yet to discover.

Somehow I missed this previously before posting, there’s been a relevant answer in another topic which pretty much solves this: Customizing the editors toolbar buttons menu via custom plugin