Extending World Composition / World Outliner context menus


I’ve been working on a plugin and it would be helpful if I could insert menu options for it into the World Composition and/or World Outliner context menus. Right now I’ve just been placing my menu options (linked to plugin functions) into the main “Edit” menu by loading the LevelEditor module and using LevelEditorModule.GetMenuExtensibilityManager() to add menu options. Everything works perfectly; however, that menu can be cumbersome to access. I may be wrong, but it doesn’t look like the context menus I listed have extensibility managers like the Level Editor does, or if they do, they aren’t easy to access outside of engine-level modification. Does anyone know if there are plans to open up the extensibility of these menus as well? Or is there a work around I don’t know about?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.