I’m currently puzzled by a small thing that I’m trying to achieve in my project.
I’m using the Water plugin and since my project is a bit sandbox-y, I wanted to have the ocean extend seemingly to infinity. I really like it how Unreal optimizes the mesh and introduces the “far ocean”, but in my case it might be possible that players will end up in the water somewhere in the far ocean. What I’d like to ensure, is that there is still a seafloor under the far ocean, even if it’s out of bounds of the landscape itself. Similar problem also shows when I’m introducing a landscape that’s not on the sea, and someone reaches the edge - it should just extend further.
The way I was hoping to achieve this, is to grab the vertices at the very edges of the landscape, create a mesh that has the same vertices and stretch them out to the horizon. It feels like a very simplistic way to solve it, but I think it’d be fine for starters; especially since I’ll have to consider some geometry optimisation in the transition between the landscape and the “seafloor” mesh, or the “far landscape” mesh if that makes sense.
I started digging around but the first wall I’ve ran into, is that I can’t really get the mesh of the landscape from a blueprint. Is there a way to access the geometry of the landscape? How can I get to it? Should I try a different approach, e.g. with shaders instead?