Extend InputAction event to expose FKey to BP?

Alright, I’ve asked about this a few places, and I’ve yet to find an answer (or workaround, for that matter) that fully solves my dilemma. I’m smitten with Blueprint, so in the interest of full disclosure, I’ll say that Blueprint is my preferred method of operation.

What I’m trying to do amounts to a hot button. I’d like to be able to “charge” the function attached to it by holding the button down. It seems to me that the most efficient way to do this would be to use GetInputKeyTimeDown and compare its output to a pre-determined threshold value.

Trouble is, InputAction events don’t expose the FKey struct to plug into a GetInputKeyTimeDown node, or any other node taking a Key struct as an input.

I completely understand not having the direct binds like Num5 or SpaceBar exposing this struct, but with the prevalence of player-defined keybindings, this seems like something that an InputAction should definitely be making available to BP graphs.

So I guess that makes this a combination Question/Feature Request. If anyone knows how I might go about exposing Key to InputAction like Delta is exposed by Tick, I’d love your insight. If anybody from Epic happens to see this, I’d also love to have this option available.