Please help, no matter what I do, the Exposure compensation slider is not working in the Post-Process volume. Other PP settings DO affect the environment but the Exposure compensation slider is not. I set it to auto exposure, manual, nothing helps. I have another project open with the same level and same exposure settings, also in project settings and on the other project this slider works. I have no idea what is going on here.
Hey, somewhere in the DefaultEditor.ini, DefaultEngine.ini or DefaultGame.ini is a setting that overwrites/manages that. I have no idea what is that setting. I have copied these three .ini files from another project and the Exposure Compensation slider started to work.
If someone could help finding it it will be very helpful.
Thank you!
I’ve been watching the excellent UE5 youtube tutorial, Unreal Engine 5 Beginner Tutorial - UE5 Starter Course 2022 - YouTube , and had the same issue, at 1-46hr, trying to set manual exposure, in the PostProcessVolume/Exposure/Exposurecompensation, in the level. I found that this only has an effect if “Exposure/Game settings” is checked, in the “view mode/lit” menu, at the top, 3rd button in! I hope this helps others
Try increasing the priority of the PostProcess volume that you’re trying to modify the Exposure value with. There might be something else in your map that’s attempting to override it.
I just ran into this and it was because r.EyeAdaptationQuality was set to 0; setting it to 1 made the Exposure settings in PostProcessControl work again.
I’m on UE 5.2.1 and my problem was that infinite extent was off.
Infinite extent applies the post process volume to the whole world, if it’s off it only applies within the cube.
Go to the details tab in the post process volume and search “infinite”.
You might have the same issue if you are using Ultra Dynamic Sky, which has its own post process volume component.
You can disable it from the details panel and your default post process volume should work as intended.