The documentation I’ve been able to find isn’t helping.
I’m trying to nest different materials into a single material and use vertex colors to place several textures on geometry but I would like to instance the material that’s calling the material functions and access the texture maps and other paramaterised variables in the material functions I’m calling
Currently I am choosing between instanced materials and layered materials in my level. One allows for a more artist friendly way of building materials.(at least one I conceptually understand) The other is efficient and inexpensive. I am figuring out how to do Instanced layered materials so I can have more artistic license while still doing the most inexpensive solution possible. The instant update of instanced materials in the viewer is also nice and I’m wondering if this can be achieved with access to the paramaterised variables in the material functions I’m calling
This was in unreal documentation. So I think its possible.
“Material Instance parameters are now supported in functions. This makes it really easy to expose parameters to material instances. This brings functions to feature parity with materials, the same node graphs can be used in either. The only exceptions are the function input and output nodes which are inherently function-only”
How do I accomplish this?