The exact error is:
“BlueprintEditorCompileResults:Error: Error AnimGraphNode_RotationOffsetBlendSpace_8 references an unknown blend space”
This error emanates from ‘UAnimGraphNode_RotationOffsetBlendSpace::ValidateAnimNodeDuringCompilation’ because ‘Node.BlendSpace’ is NULL.
That property gets set to NULL within this block of code within ‘FAnimBlueprintNodeOptionalPinManager::PostInitNewPin’:
if (bIsAnimationAsset)
ObjectProperty->SetObjectPropertyValue(PropertyAddress, nullptr);
Clean sample project attached for immediate repro.
Repro steps:
Open Additive Pin Bug project
Open “BugRepro” Animation Blueprint
Note that it is currently in error
Uncheck ‘as pin’ checkbox for the Blend Space property
Compile that Animation Blueprint. The error goes away when the node is able to use its internally specified Blend Space that is not exposed as a pin.
Check it again to expose the pin
Result: Compile Error comes back. Feeding a variable that matches the blendspace set in the node makes no difference
Expected: For the node to accept Blend Space pin input without compile error
Our goal is to be able to feed a UAimOffsetBlendSpace1D variable into that pin. This works fine for Blendspace Player using nonadditive offsets, but not for UAnimGraphNode_RotationOffsetBlendSpace.
[link text][2]