Expose Datasmith Metadata in Twinmotion Presenter

Greetings Epic / Twinmotion.

The Datasmith format / plugin is really, really good. It does what it says on the box and does it nicely....including importing my object metadata (or BIM data as it's called in Twinmotion).

Can we please have a way to expose this data in our Twinmotion presenter?

It currently just sits around and does nothing.

Designers and engineers go through a lot of work to populate this data in their models - and you folks at Epic have built an elegant way to import it into the Unreal environment.

It seems like you've done the hard yards to get all the CAD models and data from so many products into Twinmotion, then stopped short at the last (and probably easiest) hurdle!

So..... finish the job. Please?!

Hello ,

Thank you for posting in the community and providing your feedback and needs regarding the metadata. Would you be able to make your request on the road-map and provide the necessary feedback: https://portal.productboard.com/7pu88c9kpmqtzt8hwg6arujh/tabs/4-under-consideration

Kind regards,

Vincent B.