Expose "Apply Instance Changes to Blueprint" to BP / C++ / Python?

Hi everyone,

I was wondering that why cannot have this function expose to C++ / BP / Python? Although I know that it is a minor issue but it can make my life a bit easier :joy: (I am lazy). Just expose to C++ is enough if staff is busy :raised_hands:. Thanksssssss


Yes, lots of functions are not blueprint callable, but we can warp them into our blueprintLibrary by ourselves. I think the main reason is the function that we need may change after future version, especially the K2_functions.

	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta = (Keywords = "Python Editor"), Category = "PythonEditor")
	static int32 ApplyInstanceChangesToBlueprint(AActor* Actor);
int32 UPythonBPLib::ApplyInstanceChangesToBlueprint(AActor* Actor)
	return FKismetEditorUtilities::ApplyInstanceChangesToBlueprint(Actor);

if need a notification, warp it too. Collect the info and call FSlateNotificationManager::Get().AddNotification(Info);

Really Thanks man, I found it! It is a UE 5 function

Since I am using 4.27 so I can’t find this method in documents. I should upgrade to version 5 now.

Appreciate again.

Hello. Which API in python corresponds to ‘apply instance change to blueprint’?

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