Hi Folks! I have been dabbling with reality capture for a bit now. I have some drones picture that I can create 3D models of. I noticed reality capture also calculates the best representative coordinates for the 3D model in the defined CRS. Is there a way I can save this using the CLI instead of going in to th reality capture dashboard? I am creating a pipeline/batch script currently that needs the 3d Model to be geo referenced using the CLI.
Hello @ratboi777
If I understand it correctly you want to export the reconstruction region. To do so you can use the -exportReconstructionRegion command: RealityCapture Help
Hi @OndrejTrhan Thanks! this is exactly what I needed. I guess I was confused and searched for “export Info panel” instead . I was able to open the saved rcbox and opened it with text editor! thanks again
Hi @OndrejTrhan ! Perhaps I rushed into it things. It is actually not the reconstruction region… I thought there will be enough data for me to work with .RCBOX but it only contains the GEOWKT but not the coordinates. Below is the stuff I want to have.. particularly the mvsRR_PosLon and mvsRR_PosLat..
I did this by clicking info panel in scene3D
coords.xml (953 Bytes)
Hi @ratboi777
Exported reconstruction region consists all information showed in the info panel.
Coordinate system:
Center (in radians):
When you want to use that region in your script, you need to use -setReconstructionRegion command.
With which command do you want to use that coords.xml file?
Just to be sure, what exactly do you mean by this: I noticed reality capture also calculates the best representative coordinates for the 3D model in the defined CRS.?
Hi the only missing thing I need to hear are that the center are in radians! Excuse my lack of focus (and CRS ineptitude)! thanks again for replying quick.
I assume that the coordinates found in .rcbox is the center of the model created by Reality Capture. I would like to use them so I can actually refrence them in unreal engine! I hope this is right way to do it
It is not the center of the model, but of the reconstruction region.