Exporting static mesh morph targets from maya

I did a quick bit of mel to roughly replicate Jonathan Lindquist’s (Epic Games) StaticMeshMorpher.ms script for Max. but with no UI and with far less error checking. Also my mel script doesn’t have the ability to store an object’s pivot information instead of storing data for second morph mesh, which the original Max script does. This bit of mel allowed me to export data for static mesh morphing from Maya into Unreal 4. I hope this helps others exporting from Maya instead of Max.

thank you Mike, i will give a try soon.


Are there any special export settings you have to do with FBX? I assume you just select the Target Mesh and export selected to FBX, is that correct? I have had no luck with the max script, figure I take the maya version a swirl.


This would be super helpful! Unfortunately the link for the script is gone. Can anyone repost it? Thanks!

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Can you repost the script please?