Exporting Skeleton and Animations from Maya to UE4 - Partial Export

Hello hello,

I’ve been trying to export a rig from Maya to UE4.

If I select every thing I could possibly desire to export to UE4 from my Maya scene, I get this result:


Only the eyes exported.

If I select only the “body” geo, I get the following result. The anim is correct (ignore the material since I added that later), however, the eyes are missing. In Maya, the eyes are not binded to the Skeleton, but they are constrained to follow the head joint. I know this is likely the reason why it’s not working, but I don’t really want to have the eyes skinned to the skeleton. How can I merge the eyes and the body into one Skeletal Mesh?

Thank you for reading!! :slight_smile:

for the record, for animations, you only select the joints that have mesh weighted to them. first select the entire joint hierarchy, then in the game ecporter window, change the drop down to export selected not all. For the skeletal mesh asset, select the joint hierarchy and the mesh in the tpose file, and export selected the same way.

Now, if you dont want to weight the eye mesh to the skeleton, you can export the eyes individually as static mesh assets and then socket them onto the skeletal mesh,

Thanks Daniel, I’ll give that a shot.