Exporting Revit to Twinmotion through Datasmith breaks geometries


I am trying to export a relatively small scale (few buildings) urban context from Revit to Twinmotion using Datasmith.

Unfortunately, for unknown reason, when imported (linked) to Twinmotion, the geometries appear in Twinmotion broken. Or rather, not that the geometries are broken, but that building parts appear not in the correct places. E.g. the whole facade just detaches and rotates. See screenshots.

I really don’t know how to tackle this problem; e.g. I exported the main building from the same revit file through Datasmith and didn’t have any problems with it.

I would be grateful for any suggestions, or if anyone has encountered similar problem and how it was solved.


Hi ,

Could you please submit a bug report here and share a copy of your Revit file, as well as the Twinmotion file you imported the model into? Our support team can look into this and figure out what is going wrong. Make sure to include which version of Revit and which version of the Datasmith plugin you are using.



Any solutions to this? Its happenign with my files too. House models linked into a site model - exporting site model via datasmith. Roofs, wall sweeps and model-in place elements all not aligned as should be. Really need an answer to this asap as we intend to use the visuals but cannot at present due to the inaccuracies.