Exporting point could with 2x scale rotates it

To reproduce:
Align images
Click export point cloud
Set scale settings on XYZ to 2.0000

Result is rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise. See compared attachments:

Hello Sergei,

              Apologies for the late response, and thank you for reporting this. I’m having some trouble reproducing it. Please may I see a screenshot of your point cloud export settings, and also which program are you importing the point cloud into?

Hello, Wallace.

Here is the viewer that I used for screenshots:
We have our custom viewer app and it displays same results.
Here is test dataset:
Here is export settings:

\<Configuration id="{2D5793BC-A65D-4318-A1B9-A05044608385}"\>\<entry key="MvsExportNormalFlipZ" value="false"/\>\<entry key="MvsExportNormalFlipY" value="false"/\>\<entry key="MvsExportNormalFlipX" value="false"/\>\<entry key="MvsExportNormalRange" value="ZeroToOne"/\>\<entry key="MvsExportNormalSpace" value="Mikktspace"/\>\<entry key="MvsExportScaleX" value="1.0"/\>\<entry key="MvsExportMoveZ" value="0.0"/\>\<entry key="MvsExportMoveY" value="0.0"/\>\<entry key="MvsExportMoveX" value="0.0"/\>\<entry key="calexHasImageExport" value="-1"/\>\<entry key="MvsExportIsGeoreferenced" value="0x0"/\>\<entry key="calexFileFormatId" value="{4EC59EFD-236D-4C54-9756-1987DF987A88}"/\>\<entry key="calexFileFormat" value="XYZRGB File Format"/\>\<entry key="MvsExportScaleY" value="1.0"/\>\<entry key="MvsExportRotationZ" value="0.0"/\>\<entry key="MvsExportRotationY" value="0.0"/\>\<entry key="MvsExportRotationX" value="0.0"/\>\<entry key="calexHasDisabled" value="0x0"/\>\<entry key="MvsExportScaleZ" value="1.0"/\>\<entry key="calexHasUndistort" value="-1"/\>\<entry key="calexTrans" value="1"/\>\<entry key="MvsExportIsModelCoordinates" value="0"/\>\<entry key="MvsExportcoordinatesystemtype" value="0"/\>\<entry key="hasCalexFilePath" value="1"/\>\<entry key="hasCalexFileName" value="1"/\>\</Configuration\>

Hi Sergei,

             I have aligned your dataset, and I’m unable to reproduce the result. Here is the original xyz point cloud, next to the x 2 scaled point cloud. The scaled column has exactly double the values of the original with no column switch. 

may i see a screen shot of your export settings, as it’s hard to compare the xml’s as they are not necesarily written in the same order.
