I’m aware that you can import rig controls animation from Maya to Unreal’s Control Rig.
But could it be done backwards?
Let’s say that I’m generating the facial animation inside UE with Live Link, bake it down to the facial control rig and want to polish it in the Maya environment.
Could it be done with the current tools?
Alright, so after some investigation I’ve figured that exporting “Face” track from Level Sequencer with Control Rig applied does actually outputs the control’s animation.
But it’s not that straightforward as I imagined.
So, basically, when you import the exported FBX to Maya/Max, it’ll add a single node object to the scene that contains a bunch of attributes, that represents the facial rig controls.
Give this a go. Project comes with a sample FBX file exported directly from Unreal 5 Metahuman Project. It’s Ada’s “I’m a Metahuman…”. However, you can of course export your own.
Does exactly what you described as mapping the attributes to the face controls.