Exporting Level to Oculus UDK version?

I want to try out using udk’s occulus but it seems it has not been updated for a long time now.The udk version that is compatible with occulus is the September 2013 version(seriously!!!??).I have been working on a level using a newer version in 2014 of udk.I selected everything in the level editor,copied and pasted on a notepad, then pasted it in the viewport of the occulus udk version. Problem is only the brushes in the level were imported.Is there a way u can copy the static meshes as well? Another issue is the upk files cannot load.I am gathering older versions of udk cannot load or recognize upk files created in newer versions. Is there a workaround for this?Or I will have to reimport every asset and rebuild the level from scratch in order to try out occulus?

Any help will be deeply appreciated.Thanks.

Could you post your question into the UDK forum, because this here is just for the UE4 :slight_smile: https://forums.epicgames/forums/366-UDK

You cant open/copy assets from a newer into an older version of the engine -> that’s why it just copied the bsp brushes