Exporting from world machine to UE4?

Hey all,

I followed this tutorial :

well, tried to, but the problem here is that he assumes you are at a point where all the hard work is done and you are ready to import.

I am looking for the creating of splatmaps, lightmaps etc so that it can actually be brought into unreal, not just the last little bit of the puzzle.

Any ideas or videos that can help?

You just have to watch an ordinary world machine tutorial -> there they show you how to export a heightmap as a raw16 and how to create splat maps.
As you use the heightmap as a terrain, you dont need a heightmap :wink:


Hello Sir,

you don’t need a splatmap if you don’ t have a splat converter. Just export your Layers with World machine using “Unreal Layers Plugin” . You can import them very easy to UE4 like in my example picture:

Inside the layer heights are the Alpha maps generated by WM. Layercoords set to the same resolution than your heightmap.
Maybe this tutorial will help you:
Instead of using a splatmap you can easy use layers like my picture above.

I am very happy so far, just one texture and an error of some sort - but it it 1am and I am going to bed!

Massive progress so far!

if you want to still be able to paint your terrain after import you can import the masks on each layer like this instead of hard connecting them to the terrain material

I will probably end up with a second thread later asking how to do that stuff, as I really have no idea how to even get started with the painting stuff.
