Greetings! I have a rigged bird with a control rig made in Blender that I want export to Unreal.
So far I’m unable to do it as the control rig seems to dissappear and only remains the skeletal mesh when importing. Any advice? Thanks!
Greetings! I have a rigged bird with a control rig made in Blender that I want export to Unreal.
So far I’m unable to do it as the control rig seems to dissappear and only remains the skeletal mesh when importing. Any advice? Thanks!
Usually you don’t want to export your control rig. When rigging, you usually have an export skeleton/hierarchy, that you bake your animation onto, and that the mesh is skinned to.
Part of the reason is, that you can’t really export constraints from different programs like Blender, Maya or 3dsMax in a consistent way to unreal, as every DCC does kind of it’s own thing.
Also specific thing to blender, your control rig probably doesn’t dissapear. Depending on your settings when exporting you should see the names of your controls in the Skeletontree in Unreal as well. It’s just that they are joints, just as everything in the skeleton is. What you usually do in Blender is just give them some custom shapes, but that doesn’t change them being bones. And since unreal doesn’t use custom shapes for joints(as joints themselves are usually not rendered anyway) you just see them as they truly are.
Hope this helps!
It does help me! Thank you very much.