Exporting animation from blender with different unit scale breaks animation entirely

i exported a 1911 and have a bunch of animations and such made with first person arms and the unit scale was at 1 in blender when everything was exported (the arms/skeleton and 1911/skeleton). for my third person character the character and the gun were made using .01 scale in blender and imported into UE4. everything works fine except for the 1911 animations that were exported with the .01 scale from blender (the third person pistol animations). i tried changing the unit scale to 1 and rescaling the skeleton and such and nothing has worked as the animations are flat out broken for the gun which results in this Screen capture - 9013cce32c53fef8e728603ba8471732 - Gyazo and i really do not want to have to redo each animation for the arms and weapons. if i export the 1911 from the third person project which has the unit scale at .01 then the animation works in UE4, but it breaks the other animations that were made for the first person mesh.

An animation is basically just math.
Set the unit scale to 1, then open the graph tab and do the math for the translations. -+100 on each frame or something similar.
The proper scale settings is .01 btw, so your character may have other issues from this in the long run… you’ll also have to remember to reset the scale every time…

If you import a .01 scaled version, do the sizes in engine match?
if so, I suggest you do so, and retarget the assets to the .01 scale. See if the animations can be savaged to the correct sizing…

tried that in blender by trying to scale the weapon for the third person animation (anytime i change the scale of the armature for the human it breaks the mesh). just tried retargeting and that didnt work either, it made the animations play correctly but some parts are moved such as the slide being offset by x amount

Generally speaking,
the animation breaks in blender because the translation values are locked to the unit you used as scale.

In unreal things are different, mostly becuase of the default retargeting on skeletons.

So, some times, its possible to export an animation that apparently destroys the character, but it will work as expected in engine.

Is the issue just for the gun animations, or for the animations used by the character while using the gun?

If the issue is just to the gun, you can localize it with the correct scale and it should work appropriately.

if the issue is the character animations while using the gun, then you really have to adjust the scale.

BTW, how are you changing the armature scale?
if you select the object and scale by 100, yes the animation will seem to break - because of what I said at the very top.

If you change the scale of the file, then the animation probably still breaks for the very same reason - unless they patched that particular bug.

you explained it pretty well. i ended up scrapping everything and doing it over from scratch the right way