Exporting Animation from Blender (No Skeletal)

Hello, so I am new to this kind of stuff… So I made a mesh that I imported into the UE4 from Blender.


With that same mesh I made a basic animation… Just the top of the pot opens. Without any rigging or anything just moving the top of the pot to the ground.


So when I export the animation of the pot as fbx file with these settings:


When I import it as a mesh file with animation in UE4 this is what comes up:


What could be the solution for this?

if your mesh dont have any skeleton…u cant have animation with this setting…although u can achive this by using 1 of 3 ways :
1.using vertex animation;
2.using Import alembic into UE4;
3.split your mesh into 2 parts and make animation with your lid…
Hope it can help u…Cheer !