Exported texture UV is half black (Half Solved need help please)

Hello, when I want to export my 3D Scans, mostly heads and hands, I face the problem with half exported textures.
After standard process (align -> reconstruct -> simplify -> texture -> mesh [export]) I check the exported files and the texture looks like this:

Wrong texture:

If I want to solve this problem I need to redo the texture manually with following steps:
I need to randomly play with the Custom texel size and for example I need to change it from 0.003600 to for example 0.004000 then I click Unwrap - Then I click texture again and after that its finally done and after export It looks correct. So I find the way how to solve this problem. I know there is a Optimal texel size bar with 0.003086 value, but this value is useless in these cases.

BUT THE QUESTION IS? Is there a way to tell RC somehow to solve this problem by himself? It’s pretty annoying to reedit every single scan manually. :frowning:


Was the wrong texture generated using the style “Maximal Texture size” ? Have you tried texturing your high detailed model before simplifying, and then letting the simplify tool reproject your texture? Rather than texturing the simplified model directly? 

If you like I could have a look at your project and try to workout some settings that would work better for you.

You can check your textures directly in RC before exporting by dragging them from the 1Ds to a 2D panel.

You can also save any custom texture settings using this button:

and you can load them again with the button above it.