I would like to define precisely the position of my exported model pivot point (local origin).
I can’t find the logic that is behind it, I tried all the settings (Grid plane, project, project shifted) but my pivot point is always in a non-expected place in the OBJ.
Ideally I would like it to be the origin of the grid, so I can move my model in RC so that the origin is where I want on my model.
And, when I create a point (i.e. Ground control) at the origin of the grid, it is not at (0,0,0) when I look at the actual coordinates…
So I am a bit lost… any idea ?
Thanks !
And now I am not even able to export to something else than “Grid plane”, the dialog is not letting me the choice anymore. I am a little bit lost…
Any idea on this ?
Ideally I would like to have my model exported with the pivot point corresponding to the grid in RC. What are the instructions for this ?
Thanks !
Anybody knows how to define the exported OBJ pivot point in RC ? Is this possible ?
Thanks !
Any clue here ?
I am trying to define my exported model pivot point but this does not work.
Is this a bug or is there a procedure that I didn’t follow properly ?
Thanks !
Hi Jonathan
RC can‘t change the pivot point location. However, there are multiple solutions outside that can do it with few clicks.
Ok, but what is the purpose of the Export Model->Export transformation settings->Coordinate system ?
I thought that “Grid plane” was meaning that the origin of the exported model will be at the origin of the grid ?
From a user experience standpoint I would have also expected the transformation in RC to be the same after export, which unfortunately is not the case. Orientation and scale carry on just fine but the position and pivot are usually heavily offsetted which is rather annoying to say the least and feels incredibly inconsistent. Getting proper transforms during the scanning stage has always been a hassle with Photoscan as well and I was really hoping RC would take away some of that pain.
I suppose I could probably take the transform matrix from the rcInfo files to correct this programmatically, is that a valid assumption? Needing to transform back and forth for re-imports would still be annoying though…
It’s certainly possible to rectify this circumstance on our side with some custom pipeline tools, but it would be great if this effort would not be necessary in the first place.
Is anybody around here employing such workflows already?
This whole thing struck me as something that was really counter intuitive given the alignment tools that are available in RC and it would really be great if you could offer an option for that in the future!
Hi Fabian
Can I ask you to add it here so that we can include it to the features implementation ??
Thanks for the quick response!
I’ve opened up a thread: Export (and import) with the same transform as seen in RC
I hope you guys can figure something out to make it happen! 
Hi Fabian
there is one possible way: MOVE the object on the GRID PLANE so that the PIVOT point is in the CENTER of the GRID PLANE and then export it. the PIVOT POINT will be the GRID PLANE center… Try it and report back…
I’m not entirely sure I fully understand what you mean, but these are the results I’m getting at the moment. The first example showing an especially interesting case where only one axis seems to be off. (Superimposing orthographic screenshots from the top showed a pretty perfect match in the other two axes.) And the second example shows what I usually get. Scale and Orientation are spot on in both cases.