version tested 4-27 and 5.0ea
When i use the export all from menu, the exported fbx has some missed materials in the other software. Called “FBX Default Material”…
You can see the missed materials with the red color in the below screen shot:
Everything is ok in unreal engine itself… Tested on multiple scene with the same issue
Came across the exact same issues and your post when trying to work out what’s going on.
In my setup I have a group of individual column static meshs as a result of a Datasmith import. If I select them all and ‘Export selected’ to an .fbx file half of them lose their material named ‘0’ and its replaced with a new one ‘FBX Default Material’
As far as I can see all the meshs are basically the same and have the material assigned to the static mesh actor itself with no material overrides.
This seems to be happing at export, I’m currently running UE 4.26.2
Below is a quick screen record of this happening:
Unfortunately, I don’t have the answer either, but I thought posting would add some weight and solidarity to the post.
** on further research the issue I’m getting seems to be related to the materials being instances and there is already a bug report submitted - UE-93205.