Export Render Target Node Produces Blank Images


I’m following this tutorial on creating a photo mode in unreal engine:


The scenecapturecomponent2D is correctly capturing the scene as it is displaying in the widget correctly:

Here is my implementation of the export render texture node:

The photo is saving as a png the correct size but the file is completely blank:

The scene capture component is set to final colour ldr in rgb, the texture is rtf rgba8 (i have also tried rgba8 srb and rgba16f) and i have tried toggling the a in upper left of the render target to both on and off with similar results. I believe that the alpha setting of the export may always be zero but im unsure how to fix this.

Thanks so much for any help and please let me know if i can provide any more information.

I know similar questions have been asked before but I’ve run through the answers and they’re not helping.

when you export render target alpha is flipped for some reason, if you open the image in some editing software and turn off or invert alpha image should show up.

Have you found a solution? I’m struggling with this problem too. My PNG is exported blank. When opening in photoshop the alpha channel and all the other channels are empty.

I have the same problem here… Whatever I do, whenever the format has an Alpha channel, it seems it defaults it to 0 when exporting and always produce empty images. I tried using RGB8 and other format without alpha, and it works, but always produce an ugly yellowish tint over it. If anyone have an answer as to why it’s impossible to export in RGBA8 that would be great, I’m kind of losing my mind here…