Hello, I am a bit new to visual scripting and programming in UE4, so this is a very simple question. I am looking to export a render target to a PNG using the “export render target” function. I am confused as to what I am supposed to put for “file path” and “file name.” I understand they need to be string variables, but I am unaware as to what to do to get the function working. If somebody could show me an example of a blueprint script that exports a render target and explain what they did to select their file path and file name, I would be greatly appreciative. Thanks so much!
Something like this, So you specify the folder to export and the name you want to call your image.
On Import, the complete path and name.
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Take note, when exporting a Render Target, check the Capture Source in the Scene Capture Component, if you use HDR change the file type extension to .HDR, If using LDR change to .PNG. Also open up your Render Target and select the correct Render Target Format, RTF RGBA8 is a good bet.
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