Export Point Cloud and camera pos for web

Hi, I would love to be able to export the point cloud and camera pos from RC for the web, I really the look it has and would be a great support to explain how to shoot a scene.
I’m new to reality capture so sorry if my question is stupid :wink:
Is there a way to export the 3d view from RC to web ?
Many thanks

Hello @360images
It is possible to export the mesh with the cameras.
You can also export RealityCapture sparse reconstruction report for that (WORKFLOW/3. Outpit/Reports)

Or there is an option to use Nira for that.

Thank you !
Exported but the model is distorted and center point is far away, how can I solve this ?

Hi, honestly I’ve never seen something like this.
What kind of camera have you used? Is the camera calibration computed? Is the used camera the known camera? What were your steps to get there? What are your source data?
What do you have set as Project and Output coordinate system?
I checked, and for me the model is shown properly:

Can you try align a small part of your images and then repeat the process?

DSLR camera (Nikon D850) with a 14mm lens.
I’m very new to RC so sorry if I don’t get everything.
I aligned the images with RC and exported the point cloud and camera position to process the images in Postshot.
Now I would like to also export the 3d view of the point cloud and camera position we have in RC (which looks great) to show the way the space has been “scanned”.
When I open the .rcproj in RC it looks great.
Sure I missed a step or two to have a good export but once again I’m a newbee :wink:

Maybe the used lens is an issue, as we recommend to use the 25 mm as the shortest optimal. 14 is quite wide…
Can you check in 1Ds view the Prior calibration and Registration calibration values for your images?

The focal is correct

It is just a read focal, not the computed one.
Can you check these, please:

OK, then I suppose, it wouldn’t be the issue…
Can you also try to align a small part of your images and export the report for those?

Works perfect will small amount of images : RealityCapture Alignment

That is a good new. Now I would provide a new alignment and then try again.

Ok, gonna align from scratch again.
Could it be because there is different focal length in the dataset ?

What do you mean?

I used a zoom lens and focal changed during the shooting, between 14 and 24mm

Shouldn’t be a problem, but could cause some issues.

Ok, aligned from scratch , have a nice point cloud model, but export is still the same distorted view.
Could it be because after aligning I have 6 components and removed 5 to keep the one with most data ?

It shouldn’t be connected to that, but hard to say, as this is the first time I see something like that.
Is there some image, which does look strangely aligned?
Or would it be possible to share your dataset to check it on our side? If so, I will send you the invitation for the data upload.

sure if it can help finding the issue :wink:

Hi, I sent you the invitation for the data upload. Thank you!