export model without bounding box


I’m new to Reality Capture, so sorry if my problem has already been threated.
When I export my mesh as an .obj mesh, per exemple a landscape, my mesh is like shelled, as if the floor has a thickness. I don’t want this thickness, mostly because it use the half of the texture’s surface for nothing.

I hope i’m clear !
Thank you in advance.

Hi matthieu robert
If it’s only for texturing, then you do not need to care about this, we do NOT use the large triangles ( additional geometry ) for actual texturing, This can be even controlled in UNWRAP with the LARGE TRIANGLE REMOVAL THRESHOLD. So in the end effect UVs and therefore textures are not calculated for large triangles.



So is it normal to get this kind of geometry after aligned aerial photography ?


Hi matthieu robert
Yes, but this can be solved quite easily, create a bounding box that is SMALLER than the reconstructed 3D model and then use FILTERING, and use ‘filter OUTSIDE’ to remove the unwanted geometry.

Thank you very much fot your fast support.

It would be great to have a kind of lasso for selecting points.

Hi Wishgranter,
Can you explain how the filtering tool works and what it is used for?

Hi Bill Isenberger
It filters parts that you mark with the bounding box and later with the FILTERING tool, if you need to filter multiple parts, then first try marking all your area of the model and just then use APPLY to remove marked parts of the model .