Export mesh as GLTF with Python

Hack using AHK for the time being. Won’t be able to do anything else while it is running. Can this be accomplished with the Editor Utility Widget?

#SingleInstance, force
SendMode, Input
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
Wait_UE_Export := 0

CapsLock & F1:: ; Hover over Asset Actions > Export button, and press hotkey.
Send, {LButton}
Loop { 
		Loop {
		If WinExist("Save: ")
				Sleep 500
				Control, Choose, 3 , ComboBox2, Save: ; 'Choose, 3' for .gltf, or 'Choose, 2' for .glb
				Send, !d
				Sleep 500
				Send, {Text}C:\Users\Me\Desktop\UE_Exported ; Destination Folder
				Sleep 2000
				Send, {Enter 6}
				Wait_UE_Export := 0
		Wait_UE_Export += 1
		ToolTip, %Wait_UE_Export%
		If (Wait_UE_Export >= 6000) ; ~1 minute
				Send, {Enter 2}
		If (Wait_UE_Export >= 60000) ; ~10 minutes
				break 2
		Loop {
		If WinExist("Export Options")
				Sleep 500
				WinMove, Export Options,, 705, 270
				Sleep 500
				MouseClick, L, 1100, 725, 1, 0
		Wait_UE_Export += 1
		ToolTip, %Wait_UE_Export%
		If (Wait_UE_Export >= 6000) ; ~1 minute 
				Send, {Enter 2}
		If (Wait_UE_Export >= 60000) ; ~10 minutes
				break 2
ToolTip, Concluded... If nothing went wrong!

$Space:: Send, {Space}
Space & y:: ExitApp