Hello everyone and sorry for my English.
I have a weird that I can not seem to solve the problem.
When I try to export my game, I go through file, package and project window but in the end in my case I have the original map and not my game
Could someone explain to me how
No, I created a game that I have compiled but it compiles my game but the MAP EXAMPLE.
I have made a mistake but I do not see or.
I opened an example map then I do “new level” and I created my game on this map.
Once finished I compiled via “package project” and “window” following in this compilation I have my folder but when I go through \ WindowsNoEditor \ YourProjectName \ Binaries \ Win64 \ YourProjectName.exe and I l opens, this is not my game opens but the MAP EXAMPLE, which of course is quite annoying because I do not understand why.