Export game probleme

Hello everyone and sorry for my English.
I have a weird that I can not seem to solve the problem.
When I try to export my game, I go through file, package and project window but in the end in my case I have the original map and not my game
Could someone explain to me how

Thank you in advance

Hi Blackstorm,

Are you are having trouble locating the execute file once it’s packaged? You should have a similar file path to this in the folder you packaged to.


Also, here is some additional documentation on how to package projects.

If I misunderstood your issue, please post back here with additional info.

Thanks, TJ

Hello and thank you for your answer

No, I created a game that I have compiled but it compiles my game but the MAP EXAMPLE.

I have made ​​a mistake but I do not see or.
I opened an example map then I do “new level” and I created my game on this map.

Once finished I compiled via “package project” and “window” following in this compilation I have my folder but when I go through \ WindowsNoEditor \ YourProjectName \ Binaries \ Win64 \ YourProjectName.exe and I l opens, this is not my game opens but the MAP EXAMPLE, which of course is quite annoying because I do not understand why.


Okay I see now.

  • Go to ‘Edit’ at the top, then ‘Project Settings’
  • Under ‘Game’ > ‘Maps & Modes’
  • Change the ‘Game Default Map’ to the level you want to start on
  • Once you repackage the project, that will be the opening level

thank it’s ok

you save my game
