Export FBX error. Can't find the answer


I have a small project in UE 4.27.2. It was made some time ago. I wanted to export my 3d character and I’ve always been able to do it just fine in the past. Simple enough. the file should be around 3-5 mb’s but when I export it now it is 400k and just a line, no model. I’ve looked for a couple of days to find the answer and can only guess it is a configuration setting maybe. I have reinstalled UE since I made the model and thats what lead me to think that. Appreciate any advice since exporting to an FBX is super simple.

Hey there @WaneMerriman! Welcome back to the community! Which file in the content browser are you exporting? Specifically you’re going to want the Skeletal Mesh itself, and make sure it’s not a variant or something that is just the bones/animation.

Yes. I was exporting the Skeletal Mesh. I think the problems lies with iClone which is where Im trying to import it.

It definitely could be! What FBX version are you exporting as? The older versions have better compatibility across multiple platforms. Is the export showing correctly in something like Blender?

I exported it as a 2013. I renamed it and imported it back in and it gave me two models and two material colors but not the skin texture.

This is less of a fix and more a workaround but could you still export the actual texture separately and relink them in Blender?