Export Control Rig from 5.4 back to 5.0

Is it possible to export a Control Rig made in 5.4 to 5.0 ?
We cant upgrade to 5.4 but could use some of the Skeletal Editor/Modular rigging features to eliminate Blender etc from the pipeline.

Hey there @Tritetsuo! Welcome back to the community! Unfortunately most control rig assets components can’t be exported cleanly to another format such as FBX aside from the bone/mesh data. Downgrading of assets is also a difficult process that usually only used as a last resort. I’m not fully familiar on the updates to Control Rig between that time, but if you’re requiring a new feature that can’t be baked into the bones/skin data from new Control Rig, then it’s probably better to just keep Blender as a portion of the pipeline.

Do you just need the weights and controls?

Hey there @3dRaven! Did you meant to post that on another thread?

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