Export camera animation from Unreal Engine to Adobe After Effects

Could you tell me please if there is way to export camera animation from UE project to Adobe After Effects project. (possibly through third application, for instance Cinema4D)

I was trying to export camera animation data from UE to Cinema4D in FBX format, and after that from Cinema4D to After Effects.

I used way described in this video:

As a result camera animation in AE project does not match camera animation in UE project.

If there a way to export camera animation data from UE to After Effects?

Thanks for your unswers !

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did you find a solution?
I have the same problem

Did you guys ever find a solution to this ?

Firstly, you can probably save yourself a lot of hassle by just importing your C4D project into AE directly and then using the Cineware effect (which lets you ‘export’ the animated camera and any null objects you defined in C4D earlier).

Secondly, I was having a really bad time yesterday, making the imported camera animation match the UE render. It was always a bit off and since I had to replace a screen in the render with a video in AE, I needed absolute precision.

After a lot of trial and error I realised that you have to…

a) …offset the render and the imported animations by one frame (i.e. the render from UE starts at frame ‘0’, but the camera and null object animations have to start at frame ‘1’).

b) …go into the ‘Advanced’ tab underneath the ‘Composition Settings’ and set the ‘Shutter Phase’ to -90 degrees, so that the motion blur inside AE matches the motion blur that was rendered inside UE.

Once that’s done anything that’s added inside AE matches the UE animation perfectly (FYI, my entire workflow was based on 25fps).

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

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