Export Anim Sequence


I’ve been trying to automate “bake to animation sequence” on Unreal 5.4.
I’ve been using the python code provided on the folder :



Even if the sequencer has everything required i think ( skeletal mesh, bake to control rig . I’m not able to get something working.
I do get an anim sequence genereated, but got thoses errors :

RuntimeError: AssetTools: AnimSequenceFromPython : Unable to retrieve RigHierarchy for ControlRig (/AnimSequenceFromPython.AnimSequenceFromPython:AnimationSequencerDataModel.MovieScene.MovieSceneControlRigParameterTrack_0.FKControlRig_0)
  RuntimeError: AssetTools: /AnimSequenceFromPython : Unable to retrieve valid URigHierarchy
    RuntimeError: AssetTools: /AnimSequenceFromPython : Unable to retrieve target USkeleton for Animation Asset (/AnimSequenceFromPython.AnimSequenceFromPython)

I’ve been trying by python to set the skeletal mesh, but of course it didn’t baked anything

The setup is really basic.

In the mean time in unreal widget editor, i’ve been trying to use this node :
But i’m not able to pin anything inside the Export option, then got Unreal crashing

Is that node depreciated, and the code also? Any alternative?
thank you for the support <3

My most rencet try was to get thoses export options with python code. It should i guess, binding is good and other things like world, sequence and anim sequence are set by hand.
I just go some crah :frowning:

(post deleted by author)