Exponential High Fog is not working on mobile

Hi there,

I am developing a game in UE5 for Android devices. However, I have a problem with Exponential High Fog usage. The fog is working properly on desktops but not on mobile devices. The below of the horizon is always black.

I already did a lot of research and test with UE5 but couldn’t find a solution. I know there is an answer about that in here but it didn’t help. Or I didn’t understand since I am also new in the UE.

Desktop preview: UE5 Desktop Preview - Album on Imgur

Mobile preview: UE5 Mobile preview - Album on Imgur

Is there anyone who faced this issue and knows the solution?

Thanks. Kind regards.

Check the DefaultEngine.ini in your project config file for the parameter r.Mobile.DisableVertexFog=True and try setting it to false (to enable fog)


Thanks a lot for your answer. However, the config you mentioned is already false/disabled.