Exponential Height Fog not live updating

Im trying to update my exponential to live update once i run over a trigger box.
At the moment it shows its updating but will only change the fog once it completes.
Also once fog hits desired value, it wont update until my character moves.

Not sure how to fix these issues but if anyone is able to help, would be greatly appreciated.
Image provided of what my code currently does

I should also point out that i’ve tested updating with atmospheric fog and that works just fine and as intended, but would like to use the exponential height fog as it just looks much better for what im wanting

Did this ever get resolved? I am having similar problems in that I can set the exponential fog parameters - but only once. I have a switch to revert the fog back to the original values (stored) and the parameter values change, but there is no change visible in the fog. Doesn’t make sense.