Explorer becoming extremely unstable and hanging after installing unreal engine 5.4.3

Hello, I have found a very big problem to be very frustrating. It seems to be a rare issue with little to no documentation, but after installing Unreal Engine for the first time (UE 5.4.3) explorer in Windows got extremely laggy and basically unusable. It doesn’t load icons and when I tried to interact with it, the program hung and that happened every time.
Even after uninstalling UE several time and following the hints of the very few people that seem to have this issue as well or a similar one did not work at all.
Eventviewer did not provide special info, upgrading graphics drivers also didn’t help as well as running UE in compatibility mode and with admin privileges. Only after uninstalling unreal did the issue go away, proving that to be the culprit.
Do you have any idea what could cause this issue? I really want to use the engine but that proves to be quite impossible without somehow causing explorer to crash every time. Just to clarify, I mean explorer.exe in any context and it crashes even if I don’t have the engine open.
I did not make this a bug report because this very well might not be a bug in unreal itself but maybe a driver issue or a windows bug.

hi @xFearofme
Explorer needs lots of memory in Windows 11.
Removing 5.4.3 as on my Windows 11 Home makes no difference at all.
The main problem is if you open over 10 web pages at the same time.
The pop up says high memory usage and shut down the applications
Strangely if you set your privacy setting on web pages to reject all, no cookies, no advertising
Then you can load more web pages.

Really, you need to add a 16GB pagefile.sys to run 5.4.3, but this won’t fix Explorer.
Trying Chrome which Explorer is based on may help but not really interested

I think you maybe misunderstood. Explorer.exe is a core windows app that accesses your filesystem and you need it running for your desktop to work properly. I’m not talking about the web browser. Fortunately, after updating my windows yesterday the problem went away and it’s working now. I have no idea what was the issue, but it is resolved now. Thanks for your reply

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